Holiday Challenge: Can You Have A Brain Healthy Holiday?
With Thanksgiving coming up, we’re heading fast into the holiday season with all its temptations – cookies, cakes, sweets of every description, office holiday parties and big family meals that may not be Brain Warrior friendly. I call it the season of the food pushers, those well intentioned friends and family members who urge us […]
The Brain Warrior Holiday Meal Plan
My family and I simply refuse to feel deprived because we make the choice to feel energetic instead of overweight and foggy during any holiday. We want our focus to be where it’s supposed to be: on gratitude and helping others during the holiday. We feel blessed and we want you to join us. You […]
Healthy Holidays: 6 Tips For Success
Warriors always have a strategy. If you leave your health up to chance, especially during the holidays, you’re setting yourself up to fail. Here are six simple tips we use to keep our Brain Warriors on track during the holiday, which happens to be when people get the sickest and have the most reported number […]