Don’t Let Sleep Deprivation Make You The Family Scrooge!
If you’re just joining us for the Sleep Hygiene Challenge, I’d like to strongly encourage you to go back and print my blog and answer the sleep assessment questions to help determine what might be keeping you awake. Now that you’ve done the sleep assessment, you’re ready to start making corrections and begin enjoying restful […]
The Sleep Hygiene Challenge
Sleep is a cornerstone of long-term brain health and vibrant energy. It also plays a surprising part in weight control. Many studies have shown that chronic failure to get enough sleep increases the risk of being overweight or obese. You should get at least seven hours of sleep per night, that is why I want […]
Summertime Snacks: Fun, Healthy & Great For Kids
A lot of parents ask me for help on how to get their kids to eat healthy. My answer? Get your kids involved in the meal preparation process. Have them help you create their healthy snacks and before you know it, they’ll be doing it on their own. The easiest place to start is with […]