I asked my Chef to create a brand new recipe for my Brain Warrior Tribe as a Valentine’s Day gift. Medicinal quality food that tastes delicious but also helps to heal and nurture those suffering brain health issues. You’re going to love this smoothie!
Beets: Increase blood flow! Excellent for brain health!
Hemp Seeds: Healthy fats, excellent for heart and joint health, beautiful hair, skin, and nails. Helps balance hormones.
Cacao: Contains compounds that release endorphins and boost serotonin levels to help create blissful loving feelings.
Cinnamon: Improves memory and focus. Helps regulate blood sugar. An aphrodisiac in men!
Click here for the Heartbeet Smoothie recipe.
Click here for my Nutty Butter Cups recipe.
For nutrition advice visit BrainFitLife.com – join today for amazing brain health resources.