Change Your Life In A Powerful Way

change your life

I wanted to take a minute or two to reflect with you all about the journey we have been on together, and how we arrived at leading a movement of Brain Health Warriors. For me, after practicing and learning to love martial arts, being a warrior is symbolic of overcoming. Warriors don’t have an easy […]

Conscientiousness: The Secret To A Longer, Happier Life


Scientists all over the world today are busy researching what can kill us, whether it be car accidents or cancer-causing chemicals in corn. However, today I wanted to talk about some old research from a study that started all the way back in 1921 that reported some interesting findings on the things that actually help […]

5 Steps To Rev Up Your Motivation For Summer

For many of us, the summer can be a time to improve ourselves. But, a lot of the time, the changes we want to make most can be the hardest to actually implement. MASTERY starts with M for a reason. Developing a Warrior’s mindset is the first step to full MASTERY, and a big part […]