Your Fork: Friend Or Enemy?

Mark Twain has been quoted as saying, “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” Does that sound about right to you? Throw in bouts of hangry (hungry + angry), and that’s “dieting.” Put your fork down, and […]

Eating for 2: What Expecting Mothers Need to Know


Love, marriage, and a baby carriage. Ahhh, there’s nothing like it. For the baby’s brain development during pregnancy, some mothers will talk to their baby in a gentle and loving manner. Some mothers will place headphones on their belly while classical music is playing. Some mothers will practice Yoga to reduce stress and keep the […]

4 Cooking Oils That Can Turn Toxic


Here’s a typically worded ad from a well-known brand name cooking oil: “Our organic canola oil is free of unhealthy cholesterol, preservatives and additives. It has less saturated fat and more vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids than any other brand. Our canola oil is the world’s healthiest food!” Sounds like a good cooking oil, […]