Join The Movement For Smaller Plate Sizes!

This is the time of year that gets many people in big trouble because of excessive fat and high blood sugar leading to elevated triglycerides; health destroyers. As we gather together to spend time with friends and family, we often socialize around plates of illness-promoting food. These foods are often high in calories, putting us […]

Quick Tricks to Get Your Man to Eat Healthier Without the Nagging or Lecturing

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Nagging and lecturing your man: 150 calories burned. Check. You also asked him to join, and he just gave you that look. You asked him to try paleo. After looking it up in the dictionary, he grunted, scratched his belly and reached for the remote. An ancient Chinese proverb says, “A journey of a […]

Rewiring Your Aging Brain For Added Preventive Health


Your thoughts make you who you are. Do you believe that? It’s true. Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Whether it’s positive or negative, if you think of something over and over again, it can lead to you being an uneasy kind of person. Our […]