The Breakfast Of Health Champions

Research shows that the old saying is true: breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Data from the National Weight Control Registry–an ongoing study of successful dieters who have shed an average of 66 pounds and kept it off for five years–shows that nearly 80 percent of them eat breakfast every day.

A morning meal that includes vegetables, healthy fat, and protein does much more than just help you slim down, however. As I report in my bestselling book, The Omni Diet, this breakfast also balances your blood sugar, stimulates hormones that help you feel full, and gives you the mental clarity to make smart food decisions all day long.

What’s more, the right morning meal boosts your energy, reduces risk for chronic diseases (including high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity), and gives you laser-like focus when you need it the most. A healthy breakfast also primes your hormones to combat food cravings.

Every day, your morning meal should include:

  • Protein: 3 to 4 ounces for women; 4 to 6 ounces for men. One tasty option is a seafood omelet.
  • Healthy fats: About 9 to 10 grams (100 calories) from coconut, avocado, flax, eggs, or another healthy source.
  • Complex carbs: 2 cups of non-starchy green veggies and 1/2 cup of berries or one piece of fruit. You can also add these ingredients to a smoothie, which is my go-to “fast food.”

Check out some of my Brain Warrior healthy breakfast recipes here.


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