The Anti-Aging Alternative

If you’re slim and fit, take pride in your appearance no matter what your age! If not, you can get there, and I’m going to tell you how. The Omni Diet and The Brain Warrior’s Way eliminate the inflammation-producing foods that have been damaging your internal organs and widening your waistline. You can actually reduce internal inflammation and turn off its effects by emphasizing fresh vegetables, a little fruit, fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, nuts, seeds and certain herbs and spices. You’ll be amazed at how delicious and satisfying it is to eat this way.

Combine healthy eating with exercise, and your body will start to feel like its younger self. Exercise can speed weight loss, reduce inflammation throughout your body, lower levels of the damaging stress hormone cortisol, boost levels of endorphins and other feel-good neurochemicals as well as DHEA, the “fountain of youth” hormone. You’ll sleep better, too, and that’s only a sampling of what exercise can do to rejuvenate your mind and body.

There’s more…

Skin Issues: The most important thing you can do to keep your skin looking younger is to protect it from the sun. Don’t skimp on the sunscreen. The alternatives are brown (age) spots and wrinkles. Not pretty. Other hints from dermatologists: use a moisturizer daily and keep your skin clean (the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) advises washing your face twice a day with a skin cleanser – not soap – and be gentle: don’t scrub). Stop smoking, get enough sleep and… eat plenty of vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats and a little fruit. (Truly, I did not make that up. It comes straight from the AAD).

Baby Your Brain: None of the other stuff you do to slow down aging really counts if you aren’t nourishing your brain. Did you know that as your weight goes up, the physical size of your brain goes down? A low quality diet also changes the chemistry and function of your brain leaving you feeling lousy, depressed, foggy, tired and unable to make positive and empowering decisions. Give your brain the nutrients it needs, and you’ll reap a bounty of cognitive benefits: improved mood and memory, stronger cognitive function, laser focus, clear thinking, and a calm, relaxed mind. At the Amen Clinic we talk about “brain envy”—the difference between what your brain looks like now and how it can look. Of course, we all want to believe that our brains are functioning optimally, but when you actually see on a brain scan how your brain looks and compare it with a healthy brain scan, you may see the need for improvement. An alternative is to ask yourself if what you’re about to eat or what you’re about to do (or not do, exercise-wise) is good for your brain.

Slowing the effects of aging is possible, and it isn’t rocket science. Stick with me. I’ll get you there.


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