No More Resolutions!
Did you know 80% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by the end of February? Are you wanting to lose weight? Or quit smoking? Learn how to successfully follow through with your resolutions by creating a vision. Click here for my gift of the One Page Miracle. Click here for more information about the […]
See 50% Improvement In Health Goals With Journaling
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and the science proves it. People who plan ahead and visualize have far greater success than those who don’t. Olympic athletes do it, doctors do it, and even successful students do it. It’s especially true for people on health programs, yet most do not do it. […]
Embrace Your Inner Beast!
Humans and gorillas share nearly identical DNA and digestive systems. So it’s not surprising that when humans eat like gorillas—wild gorillas, that is—we flourish. A gorilla’s wild diet is much healthier for people than the standard American diet, which is full of foods that contribute to obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Eating like a […]