The Good & Bad News About Olive Oil


We all know that olive oil has amazing health benefits – it is packed with disease-fighting antioxidants, it can combat the inflammation linked to many diseases, and it tastes good, too. But when you pick up a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, can you be sure you’re getting the real thing? The dark secret […]

Little Things Mean a Lot


Here’s another seemingly small thing that can pay big dividends: did you ever notice that slim people with no weight problems tend to eat slowly? You may have finished your meal while your skinny friend is only halfway through hers. Eating speed is definitely connected to weight. New studies from Australia have confirmed that the […]

Eat Together At The Dinner Table? What A Concept!


Ever since more and more American homes began boasting television sets in their living rooms, an interesting correlation can be noted: television screens have become progressively thinner, while the average American waistline has grown significantly thicker! It can also be noted, that more Americans than ever mindlessly munch while watching the boob tube, forsaking sacred […]