Warriors Beware... Chemicals Are Lurking!

Making savvy food choices, and being a warrior for your health, is foundational to living The Omni Lifestyle. Don’t let the container your food occupies sabotage your health! According to Prevention News, there are over 4,000 hazardous chemicals contaminating our food supply.

The laundry list of dangerous and synthetic substances include bisphenol A (AKA BPA – a plastic polymer used to line aluminum cans), polyethylene terephthalate (used in water bottles, soda cans, and other drink containers), asbestos in rubber packaging, parabens, and the list goes on and on.

BPA is one of the most controversial chemicals. And guess where it’s found — in your food and drink packaging! Although regulatory organizations including the FDA and EFSA remain adamant there is no convincing evidence that BPA poses a risk to consumers, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) continues to voice concern for the detrimental effects on the brain, behavior and prostate gland in fetuses, infants and children. That news alone should motivate us to banish all food packaging materials that contain BPA.

Glass containers are the safest choice, yet according to the Food Packing Forum, a small share of food products come in glass containers. Most are packaged in paper & board, plastics, cans, metals, and other unidentified substances. As a dedicated warrior for your health, it is essential to avoid any food packaging material that could potentially contain harmful chemicals and additives.

What’s a warrior to do?

  1. Choose fresh, whole foods free of potentially toxic packaging. Shop the perimeter of your grocery store. Better yet, adopt a weekly practice of heading to your local farmers market with your environmentally friendly grocery bags and fill them with delicious, organic produce, freshly picked from the farmer’s field.
  2. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator, tossing food stored in any container that is questionable. While you’re at it, check the labels too!
  3. Select glass containers to store your food. Mason jars are practical, and there are a multitude of products on the market that will fit the bill.

Join us now, and learn about the Omni Diet*. It’s a practical roadmap to wellness. Easy to follow, the program includes meal plans and delicious recipes that will inspire you to get back in the kitchen, and everyday tips to help you stay on track. Backed by compelling research, this groundbreaking program has helped thousands restore energy, release weight and pursue life with passion.


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