The Brain Warrior Diet Goes On The Road

Summer is in full swing, which means vacation and travel time for most people. I used to find it challenging to stick to The Omni Diet* or The Brain Warrior* diet before I designed a clear plan. You don’t have to give into temptations that will sabotage your health. You can follow this simple plan. Whether you’re driving or flying to your destination, you can continue to eat healthy the Brain Warrior’s Way. As you’ll find out, it’s often easy when you have the right mind set.

All it takes is a little planning. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! I assure you it can be done whether you’re headed to the beach, the mountains, our amazing national parks, a big city or a foreign destination. This is the same plan that my husband and I use when we travel. People often ask how I manage to live this lifestyle being as busy as I am. I say I’m too busy not to do it! I can’t afford to be sick any longer and I know many of you can’t either!

While you’re away, continue to plan your meals and snacks as you do at home. Here are my hints:

  • First thing to do is call your hotel ahead of time and make sure they deliver a refrigerator to your room before you arrive. Then drive straight from the airport to the nearest grocery store to stock up on Brain Warrior approved foods. You should also have the hotel clean out the mini bar before you arrive!
  • Modify your order when eating in restaurants. You’ll be surprised how accommodating some restaurants are!
  • Create a Brain Warrior diet survivor kit to take with you on the go! Keep gluten free wraps — my favorite are coconut and zucchini wraps, BPA free cans of wild salmon, cut up veggies, hummus, fruit, pre-measured nuts and seeds, grainless granola bars, and grass-fed beef jerky. This will get you by until you are able to fill your hotel fridge.
  • Make smoothies your go-to fast-food! I always carry my protein powder with me!
  • If you are going on a road trip, make sure you have a cooler in the car or a small ice chest to carry your Brain Warrior survivor kit. I carry my little ice chest with me every day when I leave the house. I also take my own tea bags and greens for my water.
  • If you’re traveling by plane, it is especially important to follow the tip above. Never rely on airline food or airports if you intend to make healthy eating a way of life.

Do Your Research

If you’re reading this, you’re on a computer or smart phone, so you have the tools you need to check out what restaurants and grocery stores you’ll find near your destination. If you’re in a metropolitan area in the U.S., you should be able to find groceries that carry what you need. If not, ask the concierge at the hotel or check the local Chamber of Commerce website, which will often (not always) tell you where to find nearby shops that fit your needs.

As far as restaurants are concerned, check out what’s available at your destination (the Chamber of Commerce website should provide a listing) and then go to the websites of the individual restaurants that serve organic vegetables, wild fish and natural meats. Be sure to look at the menus to be sure that you’ll find what you want. You can always email or phone to find out if special requests for salad with olive oil and lemon are available, whether you can get steamed veggies, grilled chicken or fish or a vegetarian plate. Print out the menus to take with you. If you can manage the language, the same strategy should work for you if you’re traveling abroad.

None of this is hard. You have a big brain for a reason! When you use it and follow this plan, AMAZING things can happen. Plan. Relax. Enjoy. Bon voyage!


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