5 Ridiculously Easy Meditation Tips for Beginners
Our nonstop modern world often creates a false sense of round-the-clock rush and urgency, but these tendencies can be harmful over time. For example, stress stimulates a steady release of cortisol, the body’s “stress hormone,” which at chronically high levels can cause problems like depression, anxiety, grief, memory loss, and weight gain, as well as […]
How To Stay Motivated Throughout The Year
Have you created your vision for the New Year? Remember, purposeful people live longer and are happier. What can you do to make sure your New Year’s motivation remains high throughout the whole year? I want you to be successful, so here’s some simple tips. Click here for my One Page Miracle. Click here […]
It’s Time to Create Your 2022 Stop-Start Plan!
As another year is quickly winding down before our eyes, I know many of us think about the ways we want to be better next year. To do this, I find it’s really helpful to take time to intentionally reflect on the past 12 months. I like to focus first on the positives and all […]