How To Conquer Carb Cravings

Sugar addiction isn’t just about willpower, it’s about hormones. It’s not you, it is what food is doing to you. Most of our patients are surprised to realize that it only takes about 3-7 days to end carb addictions if they follow our formula: Don’t skip breakfast, but don’t eat a carb heavy breakfast. Eat […]

Stop Feeling Hungry By Getting Your Diet Right


Hopefully by now you’ve had a chance to clean out your pantry and fill your kitchen with super nutritious food. If not, what are you waiting for? Also, we hope you understand now why you need to end your abusive relationship with sugar and processed food that is beating you up on the inside. The […]

The Evolved Brain Warrior – Part 3

The people in your tribe are contagious. Therefore, be conscious about with whom you spend your time. I think of time like currency, and people like an investment. Frankly, most of my friends and colleagues are smarter, more successful, more graceful, more generous, and make a bigger difference for the health of your brain and […]