Do you get crushing migraines? Are you sidelined from your favorite activities by asthma? Do you sometimes feel dizzy or lightheaded? You’re not alone. These are some of the common health problems associated with chemical sensitivity. A new study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Med shows that one in four Americans (an estimated 55 million of us) suffer from exposure to everyday chemicals and pollutants. And about half of these people have been diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS).
Toxins can also impact brain function. Exposure to toxic fumes has been associated with mood disturbances, accelerated brain aging, and memory loss.
In our modern-day world, it’s hard to avoid chemicals. Toxins are everywhere. From the minute we wake up in the morning until we hit the sack at night, our bodies and our brains are being assaulted by these invaders.
Some of the most common chemical pollutants and products include:
• processed foods
• cleaning supplies
• scented laundry products
• air fresheners
• bug spray
• paint
• cosmetics
• personal care products
• perfumes
Don’t believe me? Did you know that 60% of the lipstick sold in the U.S. has lead in it? Talk about the kiss of death!
The number of people with health issues related to these everyday toxic chemicals is skyrocketing. In the past decade, the incidence of chemical sensitivity has jumped by over 200 percent and diagnoses of MCS have risen by over 300 percent, according to the study.
Listen up, Tribe. You don’t have to take it. Here five tips to help you win the fight against chemical toxins.
1. Replace harmful cleaning supplies and personal care products.
Download the “Think Dirty” app, which rates products on a scale of 1-10 (10 = the most toxic), and scan all the products in your kitchen and bathroom.
2. Do a 14-day detox diet.
For 14 days, eliminate the following:
• Sugar, in all forms
• High glycemic, low fiber foods (bread, white potatoes, rice, pasta)
• All fruit juices
• Grains (may be reintroduced after two weeks, but only in small amounts, as a condiment)
• Processed foods
• Artificial colors and sweeteners
• Food additives
• Agave
• Gluten (wheat, barley, rye, spelt, faro)
• Soy
• Corn
• Creamed veggies
• Dairy products
• Peanuts
• Certain oils, such as canola, peanut oil, vegetable oil, corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil
For more details and support, check out The Brain Warrior’s Way Cookbook.
3. Limit alcohol.
Consume no more than 2 “normal-size” glasses per week (a “normal size” glass of alcohol is considered 1 ounce of hard liquor, 6 ounces of wine or 8 ounces of beer). A couple of drinks won’t hurt you if you’re not an alcoholic and don’t suffer from an illness that is exacerbated by alcohol. However, contrary to popular belief, alcohol is not a health food!
4. Drink 3-4 quarts of clean water a day.
This helps flush out your kidneys. To know how much water is right for your size, simply divide your weight by two, then convert the number to ounces. For example, if you weigh 120lbs, drink at least 60 ounces of water.
5. Take supplements that support detoxification.
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) offers antioxidant support and detoxification.
To find out more about detoxifying your body and your environment, watch this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast.
Anne Steinemann. National Prevalence and Effects of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2018; 60 (3): e152 DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001272