Moms and mother figures are so important in helping us become the people we are, so for Mother’s Day, I want to honor all the amazing things moms do.
Mothers give life, teach lessons, and help their children learn to create healthy bonds. Most of the time, they are the health warriors for their families, work places and communities. And even though most mothers aren’t perfect, their intentions are always in the right place. And, even if life was difficult for you, it’s important to know that your mom (or mother figure) did her best with what she had at the time. With this in mind, I would like all of us to spend a little time in gratitude for the positive things our mothers have done for us in our lives.
Today, I want to share a story with you about a woman who was convinced that she was ‘The Worst Mother in the World’ because she had lost custody of her children when she succumbed to a terrible addiction.
Drawing on the powerful work of Byron Katie, we helped her see that she actually had, in many ways, been an incredible mother for many years. Watch this short video:
I would love to have you join my community on Facebook or Instagram so you can tell me something special about your mother, whether it’s just flat out amazing or something negative that got turned around for the better.
Happy Mother’s Day!