Your brain controls everything you do and everything you are. It produces your every thought, action, memory, feeling and experience of the world. You need your brain for everything from deciding which article to read, to keeping your heart beating in the proper rhythm.
Even though most of us know this, we are more concerned with improving every other part of the body and other aspect of our life, giving little thought to our brains. The truth is… the more effective your brain is, the more effective you will be in every area of your life. The key to making yourself more effective is to begin with your brain. Another key factor that happens in the brain is mindfulness.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the energy that helps us recognize the conditions of happiness that are already present in our lives. You don’t have to wait ten years to experience this happiness. It is present in every moment of your daily life. There are those of us who are alive but don’t know it except for when you breathe in, and you are aware of your in-breath.
Most people are forgetful; they are not really there a lot of the time. Their mind is caught in their worries, their fears, their anger, and their regrets, and they are not mindful of being there. That state of being is called forgetfulness—you are there but you are not there. You are caught in the past or in the future. You are not there in the present moment, living your life deeply. That is forgetfulness.
The opposite of forgetfulness is mindfulness. Mindfulness is when you are truly there, mind and body together. You breathe in and out mindfully, you bring your mind back to your body, and you are there. When your mind is there with your body, you are established in the present moment. Then you can recognize the many conditions of happiness that are in you and around you, and happiness just comes naturally.
Mindfulness practice should be enjoyable, not work or effort. Do you have to make an effort to breath in? You don’t need to make an effort. To breathe in, you just breathe in. Suppose you are with a group of people contemplating a beautiful sunset. Do you have to make an effort to enjoy the beautiful sunset? No, you don’t have to make any effort. You just enjoy it.
The same thing is true with your breath. Allow your breath to take place. Become aware of it and enjoy it. Effortlessness. Enjoyment. The same thing is true with walking mindfully. Every step you take is enjoyable.
During the time you are practicing mindfulness, you stop talking—not only the talking outside, but the talking inside. The talking inside is the thinking, the mental discourse that goes on and on and on inside.
Mindfulness gives birth to joy and happiness. Another source of happiness is concentration which can be obtained through meditation. I am a huge fan of meditation, as I practice it daily when I wake up and before I go to sleep. You can meditate on yourself, or your anger, or your fear, or your joy, or your peace. Which one will you choose to apply to your life today?
It’s never too late to support your mental health by practicing mindfulness and meditation. Regardless of your age, I believe you can optimize your health and be mentally sharper with the right tools and knowledge. Check out our podcast “The Brain Warrior’s Way”, and listen as we interview some of the most amazing experts in the mental health and wellness field.
You’re never too young or too old to become a Brain Warrior and optimize your health.