Health On The Go: Essential Tips For Healthy Travel


“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” I love that quote because it perfectly describes how I constantly live my life. Most people find it a struggle to keep their healthy eating habits up while traveling. Even though traveling is exciting, most people come home feeling out of balance because of their poor […]

Stretching 101: How To Boost Your Energy At Work With A Few Easy Moves

You always hear people talking about how important stretching is to your muscles and overall heath. But why is it important to be flexible? And what are the benefits of stretching? If you find yourself sitting at a desk or computer all day like most Americans, it is absolutely essential that you make stretching a […]

Stop Comparing Your Life and Start Living It


One never knows how the act of sharing a story or experience affects the trajectory of another person’s life. For me, the storyteller was my grandma, Irene Singleton, affectionately nicknamed Grandma Sugar. It was my deep connection to her story of adversity; the loss and hardship she experienced that helped shape my feelings about education. […]