The Dietary Approach To Healing A.D.D.

Yes, there are foods that can change the brain in remarkable ways. Taking the dietary approach to dealing with A.D.D. may mean making some major changes in your diet. You will have to replace some of those comfort foods you turn to when you’re stressed or rushed — you know the ones I mean: the […]

Spice Up Your Diet For A Better Brain

Saffron is a functional spice indispensable to many exotic dishes. It also has an illustrious history: in ancient Egypt Cleopatra is thought to have used saffron as an aromatic and seductive essence. Today, while saffron is prized for flavoring, we’ve learned that it has major medicinal powers. While traveling in Turkey, we just had to […]

School Starts in 3, 2, 1… What to Pack for School Lunch?


Have you been struggling with the issue of school lunches? There are options beyond peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! School lunch offerings have improved somewhat in recent years (more vegetables and fruits), but they still have a long way to go to meet the Brain Warrior’s Way standards. I make sure to always pack Chloe’s […]