Give Thanks! And Become Healthier

Thanksgiving is not far away. We’ve come a long way from the famed feast of 1621 in Plymouth, Massachusetts when the Pilgrims gathered to celebrate their good harvest. Today, we’re faced by an endless bounty of available food, something that should prompt thanks, if so much of it didn’t also threaten health. The approach of […]

Holiday Challenge: Can You Have A Brain Healthy Holiday?

With Thanksgiving coming up, we’re heading fast into the holiday season with all its temptations – cookies, cakes, sweets of every description, office holiday parties and big family meals that may not be Brain Warrior friendly. I call it the season of the food pushers, those well intentioned friends and family members who urge us […]

Trans Fats: So Long, Goodbye… Again


Back in 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration required that food manufacturers list trans fatty acids on their product labels. Remember trans fats? They’re really, really bad fats, the worst of the worst. They’re created when unsaturated fats are processed and chemically changed from liquid to solid form. And here’s why we all need […]