Macadamia Oil: The Power Food From Paradise

Some dietary superstars outshine other foods for both their nutritional content and the wondrous things they do for your health. These traditional plant-based cures have been dubbed “superfoods” or “nutraceuticals” due to their medicinal properties, but I call them Omni NutriPower foods. Not only do macadamia nuts have a delightfully crunchy, creamy flavor, but their […]

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Even The Aroma Aids Weight Control

One of the most ancient healing foods, olive oil was so prized by the ancient Greeks that Homer called it “liquid gold.” Study after study has uncovered a treasure trove of health benefits, from quelling inflammation to protecting against heart disease and even cancer. Not only is extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) rich in disease-fighting […]

Nuts: An Amazing Nutritional Powerhouse


In the study, the group that ate extra nuts consumed a mix of walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts. Several other recent studies also show that nuts have powerful medicinal benefits (when eaten as part of an overall healthy diet), including these five: Pistachios lower blood pressure and improve blood vessel function, Pennsylvania State University researchers reported […]