Circuit Training Part 2

Hopefully, you enjoyed last week’s video demonstrating a simple home circuit training routine, with very little equipment investment. This week I’m going to show you a second circuit training routine with 6 more exercises to achieve a whole body workout from home or on the road.

Do anywhere from 12-15 reps of each exercise based on your weight load. If you want to increase size and strength, simply reduce your reps (about 8-10). By the end of your set you should feel fatigue in the muscle group you’re training. If not, increase your weight gradually.

Watch the video for a demonstration of form.

Print this workout and keep it with you. You should be able to get a good workout anywhere.

Advanced Circuit Training Routine

  1. Chest Press
  2. Lunges
  3. Triceps
  4. Abs and Advanced Abs
  5. Pushups
  6. Modified Reverse Fly

Chest Press

Start this exercise by lying down and either using a ball or a bench to get into the correct position. Lay on your back keeping your feet flat on the ground, making sure you’re pressing your heels into the floor. Keep your position “neutral”, meaning you shouldn’t rotate your elbows sideways because you can hurt yourself. Make sure you’re lowering the weight down to the level of your chest and then pushing it up in a fluid motion. Form matters so focus on quality over quantity.


Beginners start with no weight. As you become more advanced, you can add weight by holding dumbbells. If you’re a beginner, you can actually start off working one leg at a time. As you progress, increase intensity by switching and alternating legs. As you become advanced you can do walking lunges and add weight. Just make sure you keep your form strong and straight. Don’t wobble and risk a knee injury.


Using a light dumbbell, raise your elbow straight up alongside your ear. Keeping your arm straight and bending only at the elbow, bring the dumbbell down and then up. Make sure that your elbows are not caving and keep your back straight. You should lower the dumbbell enough to feel a stretch in your triceps before raising it again.


Sitting on a chair or bench and keeping your back straight, lean back a little. Hold onto the sides of the chair or bench for support if necessary. Stretch your legs out straight in front of you, moving them out and in while focusing on tightening your abs. Try not to put your weight on your hands, they are only holding lightly for support. As you become more advanced, get a core ball and place it between your legs. Holding the ball with your ankles and lower legs, straighten your legs in front of you. Raise the ball in the air, toward the ceiling with your legs until your legs form a 90 degree angle with your body. For even more intensity as you progress, lift your hips off the bench when your legs are straight up. Be sure legs stay at 90 degrees. Eventually, try adding ankle weights.


The video highlights both the beginner’s and more advanced version of pushups. Keep your body straight light a plank. Don’t cave in your back (sway back) or round it too much, you want to keep it flat. Keep hands shoulder width apart, or slightly wider. Do not let your elbows flair out. Focus on keeping your glutes and your abs tight when doing your pushup. When you get really good at pushups from a bench then take it to the next level and use the floor.

Modified Reverse Fly

This exercise works the small muscles in your back. Start using very light weight. It’s preferable to start by laying face down on a bench that is elevated to about 45 degrees. If you don’t have a bench, you can do these standing up and bending at the waist. Stabilize your stance if necessary by doing a split stance with one leg in front and one going back. Start by holding the weight in a downward position, and then bring your arms up and out, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Hold for a second and come back down. Beginners keep a bend in your elbows as you come up. As you advance you can keep arms out straight as you bring them up.

Remember, you don’t need fancy equipment to get a good workout. In fact, after you do this for just a couple of weeks, I would love to get your feedback. I know you will have more energy, focus and physical strength if you do these exercises consistently, at least four or five times per week. You will naturally begin to desire more intense workouts as you get stronger. That is the goal.

Remember to stay hydrated. Proper hydration is really, really important for your brain as well as increasing physical power.

If you enjoyed my circuit training part one coaching video, you should join our online community at and let us help you improve your overall health by teaching you about brain-healthy exercise and nutrition.

Brain Fit Life is the place where we coach you to better health. Come Join Us Today!


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